I thought about the curse of limitlessness. Sometime in your childhood you were likely told that you could be whatever you wanted to be when you grew up. Astronaut, veterinarian, lawyer, dentist? Just believe in yourself and you could do it. Well, I think that's bad thinking and very false. I could never & will never be a long list of things due to the limits of my interests and natural abilities. Instead of being a force of suppression, I think that there is freedom within those boundaries. A sense of infinite possibility is paralyzing and fear inducing - if I can do everything will I ever be good at anything? And it creates a world where my ultimate purpose is to pursue my inherent potential for everything, for the fulfillment of every desire. People, money, time all become tools that are put to work, helping to fulfill my potential. But just like the economy, environment, and tolerance for US foreign policy have limits (even if they are still looming), so do humans. To recognize my limits is to embrace my humanity; it obliterates the possibility of me becoming God, and that is relieving. I will not be successful at everything I attempt, I was not created for that. I think that that is one of the parts of life that I am learning about right now. I was designed to kick serious ass at certain things and it is my responsibility to be faithful to discovering and pursuing those things. Most other things can be done by other people who are better at them.
I don't know, I have little to show for my day but I feel like I have learned, so whatever that's worth...