

The last few nights (I think) I have had a reoccuring dream about an abandoned warehouse.  Mostly the extent of it is me walking around with various people I know looking at all of the cool stuff people created like the toy train track and the rope swing.  Before I woke up today I was giving an 'outsider' a tour of the building, showing them all of the cool rooms and features.  As sweet and  delapitated as the building was I remember the part that made me the happiest was that there were a bunch of people hanging out everywhere, laughing and usually eating food from bowls. And then, last night I had a dream that I was at a convenience store.  While I was there the store owner stepped into the back and a fellow customer leaded over to me  to let me know that he was going to set the building on fire.   So he took a little purse of money and lit it on fire, threw it in the corner, and ran.  I ran too but finally ended up back at the warehouse where I was safe.

I don't know what this dream means/I don't know if this dream means anything. I think I am just feeling a wee bit stifled with the 'OMG THE REST OF YOUR LIFE', 'WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO!', 'GRAD SCHOOOOOL!'.  I just want a looseness in my life that allows things to flow and makes eating food from bowls a priority. 

Oh and this is a cool website: Abandoned



I'm realizing that I am frustrated with school right now.  I am in two capstones and a seminar and  a 2000-level class and am bored.  I am also exhausted by the meandering nature of most of my  classes and the amount of time I spend listening to my classmates. Honestly, I get frustrated listening to poor logic and anecdotal stories and I just want to be engaged by the course material.

I realize that this post is a little bitchy, for more than one reason, and I also realize that I probably just need to get over things.  I am just angsty for more meaningful engagement with subjects that I love and am getting tired of listening to intellectual lumps mumble.

So ready for grad school.