Equality in a relationship is becoming less and less about opinion and liberation for me and more of an necessity in my understanding of God and the kingdom. The submission conversation has become more frequent and ordinarily pretty contrived due to my social location as young woman in Christian circles. For a while I pushed back wholly on the topic but recently have wanted a logical and holistic understanding of what it means to me and how I want to live into it.
Equality, in light of the stratified world we live in, is one of the most compelling and important markers of the coming kingdom, and thus one of the central tenants of my faith. Reading the Bible as a woman puts me in an interesting location within these ideals, finding myself placed somewhere between socially constructed gender roles, controversial biblical passages, and a slue of strong opinions on all 'sides'.
1. I am told that I need to live in the world but not be of it. For me this isn't a statement about morality. It doesn't conjure images of bearing existence in a fallen reality without defiling my spiritual purity, it seems like a calling to imagination. Live does not mean grin and bear it, it is far more robust and a primary reason why Jesus came to earth, to show us a new way of living in abundance. For me it means remaining in the broken social structures of society with an informed imagination/knowledge of something better. This also impacts the way I interpret my Bible. Rather than trying to spiritualize failing systems (through the scriptures) it shows me ways of living into a new reality of life and equality.
2. An understanding of equality seems to be founded upon humanity. I have different characteristics that make me distinct from other people, but primarily I am human and this is the way that I try to think about myself and others. Rather than trying to understand myself as a woman/white/middle class/Christian in relationship, equality is much more tangible when I am a human in relationship with another human. I am in process, trying to figure out life like everyone else and focusing on that dimension of interaction eliminates hierarchy, replacing it with mutuality through journey.
3. So, as a woman who is in process, it seems like a sinful contradiction for me to try to live into relationship as a submissive, passive partner. It also seems to make me a lazy reader of Bible, choosing to follow small, isolated texts rather than thinking about its broader themes and the purpose of the Bible as whole.
Christian imagination is critical to my faith and life and to not exercise it is sin. So, living prescriptively on very few sections of scripture does not make any sense to me. I am to submit and love in relationship because everyone is to submit and love in relationship. The conversation about female submission seems to be a limiting, narrow distraction from larger kingdom mandates. It just seems silly at this point and a failure of imagination. The equality of the kingdom isn't to be an abstract set of ideals that I will embody in the future, they are the motivations of my current life and my current relationships. To live into inequality of any form is laziness on my part (or a unwillingness to challenge contemporary social roles) and the best way to neutralize my existence as a person who is to incarnate the world as it will be.