

Two thoughts:

1. There has been an increasing frequency of 'real world' 'real job' talk.  This dichotomy of 'real'ness/fakeness is annoying and splices up life into different sectors that probably shouldn't exist.  This morning I was thinking about what makes a world real or a job real and I think it has something to do with capitalism.  Being in school is somehow a different experience of reality, working at a coffee stand is somehow not a 'real job', but maybe its because these experiences are not within the capitalistic hierarchy.  Perhaps there is a need for money making, advancement opportunities, and pencil skirts for parts of life to be considered 'real'.  I reject this.

2. Father's Day/Mother's Day...  In some of the places fathers were being congratulated there was also recognition for single mothers and their particularly difficult parenting situation.  Reading these recognitions made me wonder a lot about the gendered nature of parenting.  I am starting to think that there is nothing inherently unique/needed in the parenting contributions of a father or mother.  The most important element of this might be that someone is willing to parent, which is a skill that transcends gender and biology.  Instead of thinking about the essential nature of a mother/father in the development of a child, I would rather think about the unique contributions two different people make to the lives of children.  This also means that a child can easily have more than two parents without it being a competition for the two highest positions.  And it means that two dads or two moms is really a non-issue too.

Apparently, I'm anti-category today.

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